Recently, I have free time to play with electronics and robot again. And I found Arduino is a very good device for bringing your imagination into reality. There will be tons of projects created with this microcontroller board. It is cheap but powerful. You can use it to control many low level devices.
I have a lot of cheap Radio Control Toys such as UFO, Mimi Cars, Tanks... Most of them are controlled by transmitters running in 27Mhz. I wonder the functions of the transmitters for these toys are very simple. Most of them have forward, backward, turn left, turn right, turbo and stop functions. If I can decode the signals( from the transmitters) and store the encoded pulses inside the Arduino and send out again, it is possible to control these toys from other devices having serial connection.
Nokia N82 <---------> Arduino + RC transmitter ----------------> RC Toys
Bluetooth Radio Control
PC <---------> Arduino + RC transmitter ----------------> RC Toys
Bluetooth Radio Control
After reading the following websites, i wounder it is possible to builder a RC Controller from Arduino.
1. Building a Universal Remote with an Arduino
2. iPhone controlled R/C car
3. ShakerRacer: Real RC car controlled with the N95 acceleration sensor
4. How Radio Controlled Toys Work
For my first testing, I used a Nokia N82 mobile phone to control a mini RC Car. Nokia N82 have a 3D title sensors ( accelerators) which will provide the orientation of the phone. Changing the orientation will send out commands for controlling the toys. OK. Lets see the videos.
Let see the required equipments and software:
1. Parallax oscilloscope ( For decoding the pluses which are sending from transmitter),ProductName
2. Non-used RC toys ( I need the transmitter and receiver, running at 27Mhz)
3. Arduino Diecimila ( The microcontroller board)
4. Bluetooth serial port ( From sparkfun, use to connet between Arduino and Nokia N82)
[ This bluetooth module is quite expensive (~HKD480). I know that there may be a cheaper version from taoboa]
5. Nokia N82 ( Installed with Pys60 which will get the orientation of the phone and send out commands , to play with Pys60, you need to know programming Python)
I need the transmitter and receiver , which are taken from the following non-used RC car
The mimi RC car, The receiver was taken out.
The red wire pin (SI) was connected to oscilloscope, then measure the width and number of pluses. or please see the spec. of the receiver (
The stuff inside the orange box is the 27Mhz transmitter. To stimulate the encoded pluses, it need to connect the output pin of the Arduino to the (SO) pin of the transmitter.
The spec. is matching the following remote control I.C. ( transmitter)
Now. It is time to decode the signals of the RC car, which is also running in 27Mhz
I got the following result (For forward direction), it just need to measure the width of the pluses and number of repeated pluses for different directions (i.e. forward, backward, turn left, turn right, turbo, stop) and use Arduino to stimulate the signals.
From the outputs, I got the following signals
1. Forward : 4 long pluses, then following 10 short pluses
2. Backward :4 long pluses, then following 40 short pluses
3. Forward +Turn Left: 4 long pluses, then following 28 short pluses
4. Forward +Turn Right : 4 long pluses, then following 34 short pluses
5. Backward+Turn Left: 4 long pluses, then following 46 short pluses
6. Backward+Turn Right : 4 long pluses, then following 52 short pluses
7. Turbo: 4 long pluses, then following 22 short pluses
Now making a PCB which connect the transmitter and the Arduino. loading the programme for Arduino and Nokia N82. It is now able to control the cheap radio control car from the N82..
If you are interesting in the software. please download here ( sorry for few comments):
1. Wire programme for Arduino
2.PyS60 programme for N82 (based on Jouni Miettunen's Sensor Analyzer)
Using similar techniques, it is possible to decode another Radio Control Toys( running 27Mhz) with out hacking the hardware.. I will try another toys soon....
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